Abonnez-vous pour vaincre votre timidité. “Faut pas réfléchir, faut se lancer.” (Franz Reichelt) ► Le site : https://www.paroledechat.com (pour m’envoyer des vidéos, commander la BD, etc.) ► Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/paroledechat_officiel ► TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@paroledechat_officiel ► Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/faireset ► Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/faireset Partagez, cliquez sur j’aime, abonnez-vous à Parole de chat et mangez des pommes. Vidéo d’origine : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yie9B… Musique : Don_t_Hate_Me – YouTube Audio Library Merci aussi à Patrick Bouchitey, klaatu42, John Lang et Mozinor pour l’inspiration 😉 Sur Parole de chat vous trouverez des vidéos de chats… qui…
Read MoreCategory: Henri
Henri is a French tuxedo cat who offers his opines on living life as a cat.
Henri 11 – “Oh, revoir”
Henri is taking a much deserved retirement from videos. Finally, he will be free from the prodding of the thieving filmmaker.
Read MoreHenri 5, “The Worst Noël”
Henri on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/henrifb Henri on Twitter: http://twitter.com//HenriLeChatNoir Henri’s store: http://store.henrilechatnoir.com/ Henri’s book: http://henrilechatnoir.com/book.html Music for this video is “Jingle Humbug”, a very dour and poor interpretation of Jingle Bells and some other stuff, by Will Braden All new Henri videos will be uploaded here, so be sure to subscribe to this channel. Thank you for watching!
Read MoreHenri 6, “Cat Littérature”
Henri’s book is here: http://henrilechatnoir.com/book Henri on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/henrifb Henri on Twitter: http://twitter.com//HenriLeChatNoir Henri’s store: http://store.henrilechatnoir.com/ Music for this video is “Nom-Nom-Nom de Plume”, by Will Braden If you liked Henri’s tie, you must visit http://www.oskarandklaus.com and get one of your own! Thank you to David Dixon for the photoshop help. if you need a graphic artist in the Bay Area, hit him up at: Getusom32@gmail.com All new Henri videos will be uploaded here, so be sure to subscribe to this channel. Thank you for watching!
Read MoreHenri 9 – “Blight of Spring”
Henri on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/henrifb Henri on Twitter: http://twitter.com//HenriLeChatNoir Henri’s store: http://store.henrilechatnoir.com/ Henri’s book: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com/book/ Music for this video is “Same Delusion”, by Will Braden, the thieving filmmaker. All new Henri videos will be uploaded here, so be sure to subscribe to this channel. Thank you for watching!
Read MoreHenri 10 – “Reigning Cat, and Dog”
Henri on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/henrifb Henri on Twitter: http://twitter.com//HenriLeChatNoir Henri’s store: http://store.henrilechatnoir.com/ Henri’s book: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com/book/ Co-starring “Olive” as “the dog”. Music for this video is “Gone Dog”, by Will Braden (the thieving filmmaker). All new Henri videos will be uploaded here, so be sure to subscribe to this channel. Thank you for watching!
Read MoreHenri 7 – “The Cat is Sat”
Henri on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/henrifb Henri on Twitter: http://twitter.com//HenriLeChatNoir Henri’s store: http://store.henrilechatnoir.com/ Henri’s book: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com/book/ Sorry that the music is only in the left speaker. I am a useless human. This video debuted at the 2013 Internet Cat Video Festival, put on by the Walker Art Center. For more info, please visit: http://www.walkerart.org/catvidfest Music for this video is “Bad Adieu”, by Will Braden All new Henri videos will be uploaded here, so be sure to subscribe to this channel. Thank you for watching!
Read MoreHenri – “Bacon”
Henri is encouraged that this glorious meat will finally be available to cats. For free coupons and a chance to win a year’s supply of bacon, visit www.friskies.com/bacon
Read MoreHenri 8 – “Artiste”
Henri on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/henrifb Henri on Twitter: http://twitter.com//HenriLeChatNoir Henri’s store: http://store.henrilechatnoir.com/ Henri’s book: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com/book/ Henri’s amazing portrait was done by Ineke Kamps, and commissioned by some amazing Henri fans. http://www.ienzel.com Music for this video is “Disappointment”, by Will Braden, the thieving filmmaker. All new Henri videos will be uploaded here, so be sure to subscribe to this channel. Thank you for watching!
Read MoreHenri – “On Cat Food Boredom”, Part 1 of 4
Henri has been commissioned by Friskies to explore the phenomenon of cat food boredom, for the benefit of all catkind. Part 2 is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1nwNOPt2HY Part 3 is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqQxhNRjCx8 All Henri info and videos can be found here: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/henrilechatnoir Twitter: http://twitter.com/HenriLeChatNoir Music for this video is “Disappointment” by the thieving filmmaker (Will Braden)
Read MoreHenri, the Philosophical Cat
This video was made for educational purposes using iMovie. I do not own the rights to either the video and/or audio, including the clips that were used: Video Audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVTP0DOL_2Q
Read MoreHeinrich, die Katze (Parody of Henri, Le Chat Noir)
Schrödinger once asked, “Can a cat be dead and alive at the same time?” Heinrich thinks so.
Read MoreHenri – Politique
Henri was asked by the Seattle Times to make a short video sharing his political opinions. Henri on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/henrifb Henri on Twitter: http://twitter.com//HenriLeChatNoir Henri’s store: http://store.henrilechatnoir.com/ You can pre-order Henri’s book at any of the following links for only around $10. http://www.amazon.com/Henri-Chat-Noir-William-Braden/dp/1607745100 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/henri-le-chat-noir-william-braden/1112405069?ean=9781607745105 http://www.indiebound.org/book/9781607745105 http://www.powells.com/biblio/62-9781607745105-0 Music for this video is “Down Stairs”, by Will Braden, the thieving filmmaker For more info on Tuxedo Stan’s mayoral campaign, visit: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tuxedo-Party/391884324181841 All new Henri videos will be uploaded here, so be sure to subscribe to this channel. Thank you for watching!
Read MoreHenri – Catvidfest
The 2nd Annual Internet Cat Video Film Festival http://www.walkerart.org/catvidfest Tweets by catvidfest And yes, the thieving filmmaker will be there and he will be premiering a brand new Henri film!
Read More“Skat The Existential Cat”- (A tribute to Henri le Chat Noir)
This video was born out of a class assignment which was to do a remake of anything that had been done before. Everyone else picked films with human actors. My group and I decided to do a remake of a viral cat video. And why not? Thanks to L. Stearns for the original music amongst everything else and to H. Engelson for your help from the beginning to the end.
Read MoreReveal: Henri the Cat’s TV Tank | Tanked
Will this awesome TV-inspired tank brighten up Herni’s mood? Watch the reveal to find out. | For more Tanked, visit http://animal.discovery.com/tv/tanked/#mkcpgn=ytapl1 Catch Tanked Fridays at 10pm E/P on Animal Planet! Subscribe to Animal Planet! | http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=animalplanettv Watch full episodes of Tanked! | https://play.google.com/store/tv/show/Tanked?id=VvXpvlRO7fY&hl=en Check out Tanked Aftershows with Wayde and Brett! | http://animal.discovery.com/tv-shows/tanked/videos/tanked-aftershows.htm/#mkcpgn=ytapl1 Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimalPlanet https://www.facebook.com/TankedUS Follow Animal Planet on Twitter: Tweets by AnimalPlanet Can’t get enough animals on the web? Make sure to check out Animalist! | http://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalistNetwork Check out the Animalist App! | http://anmlst.co/1dILpRb
Read MoreHenri – “On Cat Food Boredom”, Part 2 of 4
To enter the “Bowled Under” contest, visit: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com/bowled-under/ Part 1 can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgpRDLVAO1s Part 3 can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqQxhNRjCx8 For more info on Henri, visit: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/henrilechatnoir Twitter: http://twitter.com/HenriLeChatNoir Special canine appearance by Loki. Thank you, sir. Music for this video is “More Disappointment” by the thieving filmmaker (Will Braden)
Read MoreHenri the Cat – Henri 7 – The Cat is Sat
Henri the Cat Henri on Facebook: Henri on Twitter: Henri’s store: Henri’s book:
Read MoreHenri, le Chat Noir – Memed
Memed is a new series profiling famous viral Internet animals and their rise to meme fame. This episode features Henri, le Chat Noir. Subscribe to The Pet Collective: http://bit.ly/tpcsub Website: http://www.thepetcollective.tv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thepetcollective Twitter: https://twitter.com/petcollectiveTV Tumblr: http://thepetcollective.tumblr.com Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/petcollectivetv/ Google+: http://gplus.to/thepetcollective No one feels pain and angst like Henri. He is that existential cat that is deeper than anything else on the Internet. Will Braden, creator of Henri’s character made a short film back in film school years ago, but slowly but surely, the Internet fell in love and he…
Read MoreHenri – “On Cat Food Boredom”, Part 4 of 4
To enter the “Bowled Under” contest (and raise some food for cats in need), visit: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com/bowled-under/ Part 1 is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgpRDLVAO1s Part 2 is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1nwNOPt2HY Part 3 is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqQxhNRjCx8 For more info on Henri, visit: http://www.henrilechatnoir.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/henrilechatnoir Twitter: http://twitter.com/HenriLeChatNoir Music for this video is “Disappointment Becomes Evil” by the thieving filmmaker
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